11 November 2024
9:30 – 11:30
Introductory (welcoming) remarks by the Prof. Stjepan Lakušić, PhD, Rector of the University of Zagreb
Monsignor Dražen Kutleša, PhD
Lectio magistralis
Prof. Stefano Testa Bappenheim, PhD
“Nihil humani a me alienum puto”: l’importanza e l’attualità del diritto ecclesiastico e del diritto canonico nelle Università pubbliche
Prof. Vlado Bučkovski, PhD, and Prof. Goce Naumovski, PhD
Activities of Famous Croats in Macedonia and their Contribution to the Development of the Ss. Cyril and Methodius University in Skopje
11:30 – 12:00 Coffee break
12:00 – 14:00
Assist. Prof. Ana Biočić, PhD
The 1875 Act on the Appointment of the University of Zagreb Rector, with Special Emphasis on the Contribution of Rectors Appointment from the Catholic Faculty of Theology to the University (1874-1918)
Assist. Prof. Dunja Milotić, PhD
Matija Mesić, the First Rector of the Francis Joseph I University, and the Faculty of Law as Its Largest Constituent
Dijana Mihalj, PhD
Grand Chancellor at Faculties of Theology in the Republic of Croatia
Tomislav Sadrić, Mag. iur.
Canonical Mandate and Working at a University through the Prism of the Court Practice of the European Court of Human Rights
14:00 – 15:00 Break
15:00 – 17:00
Assist. Prof. Ivan Obadić, PhD
Ecclesiastical Law and the Origin of University Autonomy
Assoc. Prof. Lucija Boljat, PhD, and Josip Horvat lic. theol. and lic. can. iur.
Canon Law Section of the Catholic Faculty of Theology of the University of Zagreb – Accomplishments and Challenges
Assist. Prof. Marija Džinić, PhD
Study of Canon Law at Ecclesiastical Schools in Croatia – Sources and Canon Bibliography
Assist. Prof. Sebastijan Valentan, PhD
Ecclesiastical and Canon Law from the Point of View of the Public Education in Slovenia
12 November 2024
9:30 – 11:30
Tomislav Glavnik, lic. can. iur.
Social Activity of Institutions of the Catholic Church, and Their Contribution to the Social Community
Prof. Ana Štambuk, PhD
A Holistic Approach to the Elderly and Dying in the Contemporary Society – the Complementarity of Scientific Knowledge and Teachings of the Catholic Church
Danijela Rupčić, PhD
The Fundamental Human Rights and the Catholic Church before the Challenge of the So-Called New Rights
Assoc. prof. Slavko Zec, PhD
Study of Canon Law in the Light of the Reform of the Matrimonial Process
11:30 – 12:00 Coffee break
12:00 – 14:00
Prof. Zrinka Erent-Sunko, PhD
Ecclesiastical Law and the Relationship between the Church and the State in the Subject of the General History of Law and the State as a Part of the Legal Education in Socialism and Today
Assist. Prof. Miran Marelja, PhD
Impact of Ecclesiastical Peace Movements on the Development of the Law of Armed Conflicts – Some Aspects of the Protection of Persons and Facilities
Prof. Ivan Milotić, PhD
Rigged Dissolution of the Canon Law Section at the Faculty of Law in Zagreb, and Trial against Its Head