Danijela Rupčić, PhD
Danijela Rupčić was born in Pula in 1976. She graduated in Law in 1999 in Osijek, acquired a licentiate in Bioethics (Ateneo Pontificio Regina Apostolorum, Rome) in 2011 with the thesis titled “Principle of Non-Discrimination, and the Act of Euthanasia”. In 2014 she acquired a doctorate (joint study programme of Università Europea di Roma and Università Parthenope, Naples, „Il Diritto dei Servizi nell’Ordinamento Italiano ed Europeo“) with the thesis titled “Biotechnological Inventions and the Protection of the Fundamental Human Rights – The Whole Content Approach”. She attended training programmes in Poland, the Netherlands and Italy. She worked as a junior researcher at the Faculty of Law in Osijek, court interpreter for the Italian language, associate of the Private Law Section at the European University of Rome, and head of an AIDA World Congress Office (Association Internationale de Droid des Assurances) in Rome. Today, she works as the head of a legal affairs and consulting firm, Sollicitudo d.o.o. (Diocese of Zagreb) as well as a lecturer/associate of the Faculty of Croatian Studies of the University of Zagreb. She is a member of the Executive Council of the Italian department of the International Insurance Law Association (AIDA) in Torino, Italy. Her research is focused on civil law and bioethics.