Prof. Ivan Milotić, PhD
Ivan Milotić is a full professor at the Faculty of Law in Zagreb. He graduated from the Pazin Collegium – a classical grammar school. He received his doctoral degree from the Graduate Study Programme in Civil Law and Family Law Sciences. He is the President of the Committee for Statutory Matters of the University of Zagreb. He is the President of the Commission of the Rector’s Collegium for the drafting of the list of academic titles and academic degrees and their abbreviations as well as the proposal of the list of professional titles and their abbreviations. He is the Head of the Institute for Roman Law and Legal History at the Faculty of Law in Zagreb. He has been a member of the Ethics Committee of the University of Zagreb as well as the Judiciary Committee and Legislation Committee of the Croatian Parliament. He is a member of the Legal Affairs Commission at COMECE (Commission of the Bishops’ Conferences of the European Union). He is the Editor-in-Chief of the “Law and Taxes” magazine. In 2021, the Roman Pontiff Francis bestowed upon him the Pontifical Order of Saint Gregory the Great and knighthood (State order of the Holy See) for merit to the Holy See, for his promotion of the canon law science in the Republic of Croatia, and for the restoration of the course on the intertwining of canon law and civil law at the Faculty of Law in Zagreb. He has authored more than a hundred scientific and professional articles as well as books in the domain of civil, commercial and administrative law, including nomotechnics and language in law. He is the author of approximately 60 scientific papers and numerous books. He is the editor of more than 20 collections of papers and books.