Enrolment in study programmes at the University of Zagreb
1. I want to enrol in an undergraduate (BA) study programme at the University of Zagreb.
For information on enrolment, contact the faculty/academy you are interested in applying for.
2. I want to enrol in a graduate (MA) study programme at the University of Zagreb.
To enrol in the graduate study programmes, contact the faculty/academy offering the study programme you wish to enrol in, and simultaneously initiate the procedure for academic recognition of foreign higher education qualifications.
3. I want to enrol in a postgraduate specialist university study programme at the University of Zagreb.
To enrol in a specialist university study programme, contact the faculty/academy which you intend to enrol in, and simultaneously initiate the procedure for academic recognition of foreign higher education qualifications. Information is available on the respective constituents’ websites or at link (Croatian only).
4. I want to enrol in a postgraduate doctoral study programme at the University of Zagreb.
To enrol in a doctoral study programme, contact the faculty/academy which you intend to enrol in, and simultaneously initiate the procedure for academic recognition of foreign higher education qualifications.
Information is available on the respective constituents’ websites or at link (Croatian only).
5. Which study programmes does the University of Zagreb offer?
You can find the list of the offered study programmes at the following links:
6. Which UNIZG study programmes are conducted in English?
You can find the list of study programmes delivered in English at the link.
For up-to-date information, see the programme-related pages available on the faculty/academy website.
7. What are the deadlines for enrolling in the study programmes?
The application and enrolment deadlines are stipulated in the admission documentation published each academic year (Croatian only).
Selection procedure documentation for admission to postgraduate programmes (specialist and doctoral) is published either on the webpages of each faculty/academy or on the UNIZG’s site. We recommend contacting the respective heads/administrators for study programmes for more information.
8. Do I have to wait for the enrolment applications to open and then submit an application for recognition of foreign higher education qualifications, or can I initiate the process before the applications begin?
The process of recognition of foreign higher education qualifications is separate from the enrolment procedure. You can submit an application for recognition of a foreign higher education qualification at any time of the year.
Periods of study
9. I started my studies abroad, but I haven’t finished my study programme, and I would like to continue at the University of Zagreb.
You can find all the information, as well as the application form for the recognition of period of study (recognition of credits earned abroad) for the purpose of continuing and finishing education at the University of Zagreb, at the link.
10. Can I request the recognition of credits earned at multiple foreign universities/faculties in a single application?
Yes, you can. In the application form, just list all the higher education institutions which you have earned credits at, and as part of the requested documentation submit a transcript of records from each listed institution.
11. Which documents are required for the recognition of foreign higher education qualifications?
The list of documents can be found in the application form, which you need to fill out under step 6.
12. Which documents are required to recognize the period of study (earned credits)?
The list of documents can be found in the application form, which you need to fill out under step 6.
13. Who can translate the documents into Croatian?
Documentation is translated into Croatian by a sworn or certified translator for the language in which the documentation was issued.
14. Can you direct me to a certified translator?
No. Our office accepts translations by any certified translator.
15. Can I submit a certified translation of a foreign higher education qualification that was issued in a foreign language and translated into English, and then translated from English into Croatian?
In that case, you can submit such a translation with an explanation as to why you are unable to provide a translation from the language in which your foreign higher education qualification was originally issued.
16. Do I have to submit all the documentation specified in the application form?
Yes. You must submit all required documentation. If there is a document you are unable to submit, you need to attach a written explanation and indicate the deadline by which you will be able to present it.
17. Do I have to submit the originals, or can I submit certified copies?
You need to submit the original versions of all the documents specified in the application form.
18. Who can certify copies (photocopies)?
In the Republic of Croatia, duplicates (photocopies) are certified by a notary public. In other countries, copies may be certified by other responsible authorities.
19. Can I translate a diploma obtained abroad using Google or other translators available on the internet?
No. Such translations will not be accepted.
20. Do the qualifications acquired in a member state of the former Yugoslavia need to be translated into Croatian?
The qualifications acquired at higher education institutions in the territory of the former Yugoslavia until 8 October 1991 are not subject to the recognition procedure.
If you obtained your qualification after 8 October 1991, you should initiate the recognition process and translate it into Croatian (if it was not issued in the Croatian language and Latin script).
21. Can I provide a link to the webpage where the study plan and syllabus of the programme I completed is published, or do I have to print it out and attach it to the other documentation?
You can list a link provided that it indicates the study plan and syllabus of the study programme you obtained your foreign higher education qualification from, and which you seek recognition for.
22. My university only issues diplomas and diploma supplements in PDF format. How can I submit them given that you request original documents?
The Commission can accept qualifications and other documentation issued in PDF format only, but for such qualifications and documentation you should state the means of securing an independent verification of their authenticity.
23. Due to the delayed issuance of my diploma, I currently do not possess a public record serving as proof of my foreign higher education qualification. Can I still obtain the formal recognition decision?
You cannot receive the recognition decision, but we can issue you a confirmation that you have submitted an application, which you can use when applying, and possibly for conditional enrolment, but only if the specific faculty/academy’s administration grants it, and if you meet all the other requirements. When you obtain a public document proving your foreign higher education qualification, you’ll need to submit it to us so that we can issue you the formal recognition decision.
Individual constituent units (faculties/academies) may, if so has been decided internally, request the signature and authorisation of a special statement in which you confirm your understanding of the nature of the conditional enrolment and the fact that, in the event the application is rejected, you will lose all privileges.
24. I have submitted all the requested application documents, but I received the message that some still need to be provided. Why?
The Commission, based on its Rules of Procedure (Poslovnik o radu) (Croatian only), may request additional documents. In that case, the period in which the decision for approval is to be reached starts from the day you submit the requested additional documents.
Recognition procedure
25. Is it possible to get a confirmation that I have submitted the application?
After the application has been processed, the Office for Academic Recognition of Foreign Higher Qualifications will send you a confirmation email and inform you if you need to provide any additional documents. Using the said confirmation, you can start the application process and, if the faculty/academy’s administration grants it and if you meet all the other requirements, proceed with conditional enrolment.
Individual constituent units (faculties/academies) may, if so has been decided internally, request the signature and authorisation of a special statement in which you confirm your understanding of the nature of the conditional enrolment and the fact that, in the event the application is rejected, you will lose all privileges.
26. How much is the processing fee?
The fee, the way it is distributed, and exemptions from the payment of the processing cost for academic recognition of foreign higher education qualifications and recognition of periods of study at foreign higher education institutions for the purpose of continuing education in Croatia, are stipulated in the Rulebook on the amount of the fee for the costs of recognition and evaluation procedures, the method of distribution of the fee, exemption from the payment of the fee and other issues of the costs of the procedure (Official Gazette, no. 85/2023)
Currently, the processing fee for the academic recognition of foreign higher education qualifications for completed undergraduate, graduate, postgraduate, and short-cycle study programmes is 60 euros (HRK 452.07).
Currently, the processing fee for the academic recognition of periods of study at foreign higher education institutions is 30 euros (HRK 226.04).
*Exchange rate: 7.53450
27. How long does the recognition process take?
When you submit the application and needed documents, it can take up to two months for your application to be processed. The processing is usually completed within 2 to 6 weeks, depending on when the Commission convenes. The members of the Commission decide on each individual subject.
28. Can I enrol in a study programme before the recognition process is completed?
You can if the faculty/academy grants you a conditional enrolment.
29. Do I have the right to appeal?
Yes. You have the right to appeal within 15 days from receiving the decision (the objection to the opinion on automatic recognition). Detailed instructions for submitting an appeal/complaint are contained in the legal remedy, which is an integral part of the decision/opinion.
30. In the application form, can I list more than one faculty/academy which I would like to continue my studies at?
In special cases, you can list two constituent units. This is permitted if there are multiple constituents that offer a similar study programme, and it is the one you are applying for (e.g., psychology at the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, and psychology at the Faculty of Croatian Studies). Otherwise, you’ll need to submit two separate applications.
31. I am unable to provide some of the required documents. What do I do?
You must submit all the required documents. If there is a document you are unable to submit, you need to attach a written explanation and indicate the deadline by which you will be able to present it. If there is a legitimate reason, the Commission may, even if some document is not provided, consider your application, but a special procedure is reserved for such instances.
32. Can the processing fee be paid online, or does it need to be paid via money order?
You can use e-banking and print out or email proof of payment.
33. Do I need to submit an application for recognition of a lower-level university degree (e.g., bachelor's) if I am requesting recognition of a higher-level university degree (e.g., master's)?
This usually isn’t necessary, unless the UNIZG faculty/academy where you intend to continue your studies at explicitly requires it.
In the regular procedure, it is sufficient that, as is stated in the application form, you submit a certified copy of the previously acquired qualification. It is preferable that you also attach the transcript of records or diploma supplement of the lower-level degree.
34. Can I request the recognition of several foreign higher education qualifications in one application?
No. If you hold several foreign higher education qualifications, you need to submit separate applications and provide prescribed documentation for each of the qualifications which you seek recognition of.
35. What is the automatic recognition of foreign higher education qualifications?
The automatic recognition of foreign higher education qualifications is regulated by the Act on the Recognition and Assessment of Foreign Educational Qualifications (Official Gazette 69/22), and is carried out for qualifications meeting the prescribed cumulative conditions:
For qualifications that meet the above criteria, an opinion is issued.
36. Is it necessary to apply for the recognition procedure if the foreign diploma was obtained in a member state of the European Union?
Yes, it is necessary to initiate the procedure.
37. Based on the acquired foreign higher education qualification, is it possible to obtain a document that would serve as an equivalent to a qualification that is issued in the Republic of Croatia?
No. The procedure for confirming equivalence, that is, recognising a complete equivalency of foreign diplomas (the so-called Nostrifikacija) was done in accordance with the Act on the Recognition of the Equivalence of Foreign School Certificates and Diplomas (Zakon o priznavanju istovrijednosti stranih školskih svjedodžbi i diploma), which was repealed in 2003. The recognition of foreign higher education qualifications is not carried out at the University but follows a special procedure.
38. Is the academic recognition decision issued by the University of Zagreb valid for applying to other higher education institutions in the Republic of Croatia?
No. To enrol in study programmes at other universities/colleges, you should contact their academic recognition offices or administration.
39. Is the academic recognition decision issued by the University of Zagreb valid for enrolling in study programmes carried out within the European Union?
No. You should initiate the recognition procedure in accordance with the legal regulations of the country you intend to continue your studies in.
40. Can I get a job in the Republic of Croatia based on the academic recognition of my qualifications?
No. For the purpose of employment, you should initiate the assessment procedure with the Agency for Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Croatia.
41. Why aren’t my academic title and degree indicated in Croatian in the academic recognition decision?
In accordance with the current regulations, professional and academic titles/degrees are not awarded as part of the recognition process. During the process, the Commission determines, based on the submitted documentation, whether you meet the minimum requirements for enrolment in a UNIZG higher education institution with the qualification obtained abroad.
42. Can an asylum seeker, a foreigner under subsidiary or temporary protection, or family members of an asylum seeker or a foreigner under subsidiary/temporary protection apply for the recognition of foreign higher education qualifications or recognition of periods of study?
Yes, such individuals can submit an application regardless of whether they have all the necessary documentation, some necessary documentation, or no documentation at all.
For them, the Law prescribes an additional procedure for the recognition of foreign higher education qualifications and recognition of periods of study.
43. Are asylum seekers, foreigners under subsidiary or temporary protection, and family members of an asylum seeker or a foreigner under subsidiary/temporary protection exempt from paying the processing fee?
Yes, they are exempt from paying the processing cost for the academic recognition of foreign higher education qualifications and recognition of periods of study at foreign higher education institutions, as is stipulated in the Rulebook on the amount of the fee for the costs of recognition and evaluation procedures, the method of distribution of the fee, exemption from the payment of the fee and other issues of the costs of the procedure (Official Gazette, No. 85/2023).
44. Is an asylum seeker, a foreigner under subsidiary or temporary protection, or family members of an asylum seeker or a foreigner under subsidiary/temporary protection entitled to the reimbursement of the costs of document translation?
For enquires regarding the reimbursement of the costs of the document translation needed to initiate the process of recognition of foreign higher education qualifications, such individuals should contact the Directorate for Support and Improvement of the Education System, the Ministry of Science, Education and Youth of the Republic of Croatia.
45. How can I be sure that the qualification I acquire abroad would be recognized in the Republic of Croatia?
46. To whom should I submit an application for recognition if I want to enrol in a higher education institution that is not a constituent of the University of Zagreb?
You should contact the institution which you wish to enrol in.
47. I want to enrol in a study programme abroad. Who should I contact in regard to the recognition of a diploma obtained in the Republic of Croatia?
You should contact the institution which you intend to continue your studies at, and they will give you the details on the recognition procedure. You can also find this information by sending an inquiry to the national ENIC/NARIC office of the country in which you intend to enrol a study programme in.
48. The committee issued a positive decision, but the faculty didn’t enrol me. Why?
A positive recognition decision of a foreign higher education qualification does not automatically ensure enrolment in the desired study programme. Rather, it is a prerequisite for applying for enrolment in the study programme. Each faculty/academy of the University of Zagreb can impose additional requirements or decide, during the selection procedure, that you have not met all the requirements for enrolment stipulated in the internal statutes of the faculty/academy.
49. The application was submitted more than two months ago, but I have not been informed on the Committee’s decision. Why?
There are several possible reasons. Before everything else, please check your email, and your spam folder. You may have received a notice that the documentation is not complete, preventing us from even starting to process the application. Another possibility is that the decision that we send by registered post with return receipt was returned because you did not collect it within the required period. The third possibility may be that additional consultation is needed as part of the procedure for recognition of your qualification document, which is why it is still ongoing.
50. The Committee’s decision hasn’t arrived at the address that I indicated in the application form. What should I do?
We send the decision by registered post with return receipt to the address you indicated in the application form. The document is returned to us if you have not collected it within the required period. If that happens, we will contact you and arrange the retrieval method (we will resend it, or you will collect it personally).
51. I received a message that the Office is not able to send me the documentation since Croatian Post does not send parcels to my country. What should I do?
Croatian Post does not deliver postal items to some countries. There is an option to send the documentation to a recipient in another country who will collect it on your behalf. Another alternative is to check which private courier companies reliably deliver mail from the Republic of Croatia to your country and we’ll try to send it to you via them. In that special case, you will need to cover the additional shipping costs.
52. Is the decision on recognition valid for enrolment in a study programme in the next academic year?
Generally, the decision is issued and is valid for the academic year in which the application was submitted. If the admission requirements for the desired study programme haven’t changed, the UNIZG faculty/academy may decide to accept the recognition document. Otherwise, you will have to apply for recognition again.
53. I completed a study programme under the “old system” in one of the states of the former Yugoslavia, before the introduction of the Bologna Process. I live and work in Croatia, and for employment purposes, I need to obtain an equivalent academic title to match the current naming convention. Do you issue such certificates?
Since you completed your studies in another country, the University of Zagreb cannot issue a certificate of equivalence. We assume that you have the right to ask the institution that awarded the qualification to issue you a certificate of equivalence or a new diploma. At any rate, you should contact the home institution that issued your diploma, and they will inform you on the legal statutes under which this issue is tackled in the country where the qualification was obtained.