Dijana Mihalj, PhD
Presenting Grand Chancellor at Faculties of Theology in the Republic of Croatia
Diana Mihalj, Sister Marija Dijana, was born in Mostar in 1975. She is a member of the Daughters of Charity of Saint Vincent de Paul in Zagreb. She graduated in Civil Law in 2004 in Split, and in 2016 she acquired her doctoral degree at the Pontifical Lateran University with the thesis titled “The Canon Responsibility of Monastic Institutions and Their Members in the Area of Worldly Goods” (La responsabilità canonica degli Istituti religiosi e dei loro membri nell'ambito dei beni temporali). She has worked as an associate at the Franciscan Institute for the Culture of Peace, as the head of the human resources department at the Catholic Faculty of Theology of the University of Split, teaching as a post-doctoral researcher at the Canon Law Section at the same Faculty, and as an ecclesiastical judge at the Interdiocesan Ecclesiastical Court in Split. Today, she works in the Office of the Archbishop of Zagreb as an advisor for legal matters. She is a member of the Legal Commission of the Croatian Episcopal Conference as well as of the Office for the Protection of Minors of the Croatian Episcopal Conference.