Activities of Famous Croats in Macedonia and their Contribution to the Development of the Ss. Cyril and Methodius University in Skopje
Presentation by Prof. Vlado Bučkovski, PhD and Prof. Goce Naumovski, PhD
The presentation provides an overview of the most significant points in the Croatian-Macedonian ties: the mission of the Holy Brothers Cyril and Methodius, Samuil’s state, revolt against Byzantium, the commercial and political ties between Skopje and Dubrovnik, the activities of Petar Hektorović, the activities of the Archbishop of Ohrid Rafael Levaković, the works of Matija Antun Reljković, the assistance of Bishop Josip Juraj Strossmayer in the publication of the compilation of the Miladinov brothers, the role of Stanko Vraz and Antun Mihanović in the collection of the oral folk traditions on the territory of Macedonia, and the diplomatic service of the brothers Konstantin and Andrija Petković from Veles in Dubrovnik and Rijeka.
The presentation analyses the contribution of Croats in scientific disciplines in the period between the two World Wars, namely the following professors: Grga Novak, Milan Prelog, Josip Matasović. The presentation emphasizes the sacrifice and merits of Smiljan Čekada, Bishop of Skopje.
After World War II, educational ties were particularly strengthened as Macedonia lacked enough teaching professionals at the time to establish and operate higher education institutions. Some Croats arrived willingly, some acting on the order of the Party or upon invitation of the contemporary Government of the Socialist Republic of Macedonia. Croatian scientists practically founded numerous faculties at the Ss. Cyril and Methodius University: Civil Engineering, Law, Economics, Forestry, Philosophy, Medicine, Architecture, Philology, Life Sciences and Mathematics. The above is evident from the activities of the following professors: Marin Katalinić (who was also Rector of the University in Skopje), Josip Moser, Gilbert Flumiani, Mihovil Gračanin, Stjepan Antoljak, Ivo Perišin, Pero Jurković, Božidar Jelčić and Barbara Jelčić, Antun Šokman, Antun Urlih, Boris Šrepel, Franjo Šimić, Zvonimir Vukelić, Zdenko Križman, Ruža Werner, Mirko Knežević, Božidar Belija.
Particularly distinct was the support and participation of Croats in the organisation of classes at the Justinianus Primus Faculty of Law. It can be claimed that Professors Ivo Puhan, Rudolf Legardić, Konstantin Bastaić, Ferdo Čulinović and Franjo Bačić were the founders of the contemporary Macedonian legal science. Their activities gave an impetus to further joint research and projects of today’s generations of the Croatian and Macedonian scientific communities.
The presentation will also give an overview of joint activities between the Universities in Zagreb and Skopje, particularly between the Faculties of Law in Zagreb and Skopje as a good example of a successful research, educational and applicative activities, which will enable the realisation of new projects in the context of the common European future
Key words: Croats in Macedonia, University in Skopje, history of Macedonia