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Selected candidates for the University of Zagreb online Croatian language course

Dear scholarship candidates for the University of Zagreb online Croatian language course,

congratulations to the selected candidates! There were more than 50 applicants, which is quite a large number, so it was not easy to select only 10, as all of you were very similarly qualified.

We encourage those who were not awarded the scholarship this time to follow the website of the Central State Office for Croats Abroad, as it will launch a public call this summer (June/July) for scholarship applications for the Croatian e-course HiT-1 in the academic year 2024/2025.

You should also follow the University of Zagreb and Croatian Heritage Foundation websites at the end of this year and beginning of next year for information on scholarships for next year. Good luck!

On 19 February 2024, the Scholarship Commission of the University of Zagreb for the Croatian e-learning course HiT-1 reached a decision awarding the scholarship to the following candidates:

1. Maria Emilia Burgos, Argentina, spring

2. Luca Valentin Nacucchio Nadinić, Argentina, spring

3. Marco Buzolić, Chile, spring

4. Bruno Eto Dias das Chagas Demšić Citron, Brazil, spring

5. Isabella Debora Ramos Puh, Peru, spring

6. Lucas Pablo Kremar, Argentina, autumn

7. Maria Paz Tieri, Argentina, autumn

8. Marian Miroslava Krellac Loza, Bolivia, autumn

9. Bernardo Nicolas Pehar Garcia, Uruguay, autumn

10. Jose Carlos Hernandez Perussina, Guatemala, autumn


Members of the Scholarship Award Committee of the University of Zagreb for the Croatian e-learning course HiT-1:                                                                         

Prof. Zrinka Jelaska, PhD, Director of the University School of Croatian Language and Culture
Marija Bošnjak, PhD, Deputy Director of the School and e-lector of Croatian language at the University of Zagreb
Heli Hajdić-Nikolić, dipl. iur., Head Secretary of the University of Zagreb
