HR Excellence in Research

Charter and Code

In March, 2005 the European Commission adopted the European Charter for Researchers and the Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers. The principles of these two documents aim to secure the same rights and obligations to researchers, regardless of where they work in Europe. The European Charter defines the rights and responsibilities of researchers and organizations in which they work, while the Code of Conduct advocates equal treatment in hiring towards all researchers in Europe and increasing the transparency of the recruitment and hiring processes.

The University of Zagreb decided to support the principles of the European Charter and the Code of Conduct; thus on March 11, 2010 the University signed the Declaration of Commitment to the European Charter for Researchers and the Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers.

For the purpose of implementing the Charter and the Code, the University of Zagreb has developed a Human Resources Strategy and Action Plan which represents a summary of the internal analysis of the University of Zagreb.

Charter and Code (.pdf)
Action Plan (.pdf)

Useful links:
Euraxess Croatia portal
Euraxess Researchers in Motion
