Info-Incoming Staff KA171

Application procedure & Mobility Information - in a Nutshell

A teaching activity has to comprise a minimum of 8 hours of teaching per week (or any shorter period of stay but not less than 5 days). If the mobility lasts longer than one week, the minimum number of teaching hours for an incomplete week should be proportional to the duration of that week

BEFORE the mobility start a teacher from the partner university will establish communication with his / her counterpart at UNIZG to arrange teaching activities; teaching activities need to be set in the so-called Staff mobility for teaching - mobility agreement.

This activity supports the professional development of staff in the form of training events abroad (excluding conferences) and job shadowing/observation periods/training at a partner HEI, or at another relevant organisation abroad.

Training may take the form of:
•    A short secondment period
•    Job-shadowing
•    Attendance at workshops or courses
•    Attendance at a staff training week

Training programming could be built around:
•    The transfer of knowledge and good practice
•    Learning from shared experience
•    The acquiring of new practical skills
•    To discovery of new ideas for teaching and learning.

BEFORE the mobility start a staff member from the partner university will establish communication with his / her counterpart at UNIZG to arrange training activities; training activities need to be set in the so-called Staff mobility for training - mobility agreement.

Eligible period for exchange: until 31st May of the current academic year
Also, for the teaching mobility please take into account the Academic Calendar of the University of Zagreb.
Exchange is NOT possible during the UNIZG official summer break: 20.07-30.08 and the winter break: 24.12-08.01. Please check also the list of Croatian national bank holidays.


  • STEP 1. Staff member from the partner university needs to be nominated by the home university – please contact your coordinator.
  • STEP 1. / 2. Preferably, the staff member should already have a contact with a colleague from the University of Zagreb in order to agree on the work plan (teaching / training activities; in the work plan please use the Subject area code from the Agreement – see the above table).
  • STEP 3. After the mobility agreement is signed (with planned teaching / training activities has been signed), a scanned copy is to be sent to International Relations Office of the University of Zagreb, coordinator Zeljka Pitner (Ms), @: + passport scan – take into consideration that the grant agreement that regulates the payment of the financial support towards the staff member and a few additional administrative requirements need to be regulated before arrival – the actual start of mobility/arrival should be planned minimum 3 months in advance.
  • STEP 4. UNZIG buys a return plane ticket for the accepted staff member.


Individual support

Travel grant

Amount per participant per day:

140 € (reference rate)

≤14 days =reference rate

15-60 days = 70% of reference rate

Rule of allocation:

based on the duration of the stay per participant, including also one travel day before the activity and one travel day following the activity.


Between 100 and 499 KM: 180 EUR / participant
Between 500 and 1.999 KM: 275 EUR / participant
Between 2.000 and 2.999 KM: 360 EUR / participant
Between 3.000 and 3.999 KM: 530 EUR / participant
Between 4.000 and 7.999 KM: 820 EUR / participant
8.000 KM or more 1.500 EUR / participant


Description/proof of status:
Participants with physical, mental or health related conditions that require extra financial support to allow their participation in the mobility and for accompanying persons (including costs related to travel and subsistence, if justified and as long as it is not covered through budget categories "travel support" and "individual support" for these participants).

Real costs are financed - the request must be justified by the applicant and approved by the Croatian National Agency for Mobility and EU Programmes. Documents to be provided by the participant: family physician’s or specialist doctor health certificate (original is mandatory, not older than 6 months) and the decision of the competent state institution/organization with the indicated degree (percentage) and type of of person's impairment (copy/scan of the document is acceptable).

Each staff member will sign an individual grant agreement regulating the payment of the financial support towards the grant holder prior to arrival.
Mobile staff member receives the financial support in full (100%) in EUR – paid to the bank account of a participant in the country of origin. Grant / scholarship is paid during the mobility (not before).

The submission of the online EU survey after the mobility is considered obligatory to all mobile participating staff.

Zeljka Pitner (Ms)
International Relations Office, University of Zagreb
Trg Republike Hrvatske 14, HR-10000 Zagreb, Croatia
Phone: 00385 1 46 98 105
