Leonardo da Vinci

Leonardo da Vinci


The Leonardo programme was part of the European Union’s Lifelong Learning Programme from 2007-2013. It supported Croatian vocational education and training (VET) organisations, staff and learners to work together with European partners to improve training, skills and employability.

The Leonardo programme has now been replaced by Erasmus+, the new European funding programme for education, training, youth and sport. New funding opportunities for vocational education and training can be found on the Erasmus+ website at http://eacea.ec.europa.eu/erasmus-plus_en

Leonardo da Vinci projects with participation of the University of Zagreb

LEONARDO DA VINCI – Transfer of Innovations

  1. TIED Shoe - Training in Innovation, Entrepreneurship and Design in Footwear Industry (2011-1-PT1-LEO05-08590); project's official website http://www.tied-shoe.eu/en/ 

University of Zagreb Faculty of Textile Engineering, status: project partner; local co-ordinator: Professor Ana-Marija Grancarić, PhD; @: amgranca@remove-this.ttf.hr

  1. InFiro - Integrated physics approach to robotics designed laboratory (2011-1-HR1-LEO05-00828); project's official website http://infiro.phy.hr/

University of Zagrebu Faculty of Science, status: project co-ordinator: Professor Darko Andorić, PhD, @: dandroic@remove-this.phy.hr

     3.  SLIM - Stimulating Learning for Idea-to-Market (UK/12/LLP-LdV/TOI-550); project's official website http://www.e-sgh.com/slim/

University of Zagrebu Faculty of Economics and Business, status: project partner; local co-ordinator: Professor Marina Dabić, PhD; @: mdabic@remove-this.efzg.hr

LEONARDO DA VINCI - Partnerships

  1. Raising the Awareness on Healthy Food and Healthy Eating Among Children (2011-1-TR1-LEO04-27384 5)

University of Zagreb Faculty of Food Technology and Biotechnology, status: project partner; local co-ordinator: Professor Ksenija Durgo, PhD; @: kdurgo@remove-this.pbf.hr

LEONARDO DA VINCI – Multilateral projects

  1. TECRINO - Teaching creativity in engineering (538710-LLP-1-2013-1-CY-LEONARDO-LMP; Leonardo da Vinci - Multilateral Projects); project co-ordinator: RTD TALOS, Nicosia, Cyprus; project's official website http://www.talos-rtd.com/

University of Zagreb Faculty of Textile Engineering; status: project partner; local co-ordinator: Professor Goran Hudec, PhD; @: ghudec@remove-this.ttf.hr

  1. ECVision. A European System of Comparability and Validation of Supervisory Competences (527220-LLP-1-2012-AT-LEONARDO-LMP; Leonardo da Vinci - Development of Innovation); project co-ordinator: Die Wiener Volkshochschulen GmbH, Wien, Austria; project's official website http://www.anse.eu/ecvision.html

University of Zagreb Faculty of Law, status: project partner; local co-ordinator: Professor Marina Ajduković, PhD, @: marina.ajdukovic@remove-this.pravo.hr
