VR.02 - Zahtjev za pokretanje postupka vrednovanja
VR.03 - Izvješće o vrednovanju prijedloga programa
VR.04 - Izvješće o revidiranom prijedlogu
VR.05 - Preporuka Odbora za doktorske programe
VR.06 - Obrazac za formalno vrednovanje prijedloga programa doktorskog studija
VR.07 - Obrazac za formalno vrednovanje prijedloga programa združenog doktorskog studija
VR.08 - Obrazac za sadržajno vrednovanje prijedloga programa doktorskog studija
VR.09 - Obrazac za sadržajno vrednovanje prijedloga programa združenog doktorskog studija
VR.03 - Report on the Evaluation of the Proposal of the Doctoral Study Programme at the University of Zagreb
VR.04 - Report on the Revised Proposal of the Doctoral Study Programme
VR.05 - Reccommendation of the Doctoral Programmes Board of the University of Zagreb
VR.06 - Form for Formal Evaluation of the Doctoral Study Programme Proposal
VR.07 - Form for Formal Evaluation of the Joint Doctoral Study Programme Proposal
VR.08 - Form for Content Evaluation of the Doctoral Study Programme Proposal
VR.09 - Form for Content Evaluation of the Joint Doctoral Study Programme Proposal