Obrasci dr. sc. / dr. art.

Ugovor o suradnji s vanjskim mentorom

Prema Pravilniku o doktorskim studijima na Sveučilištu u Zagrebu, članak 9., stavak 6. mentor koji nije zaposlenik Sveučilišta ili sastavnice, mora potpisati ugovor o suradnji i preuzimanju odgovornosti s čelnikom ustanove nositelja studija. Odbor za doktorske programe preporučuje ugovor koji možete preuzeti na OVDJE.


Agreement on Cooperation with External Supervisor

According to Regulations on Doctoral Studies at the University of Zagreb, article 9, paragraph 4: "A mentor who is not a University employee or an employee of a constituent part of the University, needs to sign an agreement on cooperation and responsibility with the head of the institution responsible for the study." Doctoral Programme Board of the University of Zagreb recommends agreemment that you can download HERE.
